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Dr. Hasene Betul BOZ

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Hasene Betül Boz


Hasene Betül Boz completed her primary and secondary education at İnegöl Altı Eylül Primary School and her high school education at İnegöl Turgutalp Anatolian High School. Following his education at Atatürk University Faculty of Dentistry, he received specialty training in the Department of Orthodontics of Ordu University Faculty of Dentistry and gained the title of orthodontic specialist.

Specialist Dentist Hasene Betül Boz participated in many congresses, seminars and courses throughout her orthodontic education and took part in national and international scientific studies. He is a member of Turkish Orthodontic Society, World Association of Orthodontists (WFO), American Orthodontic Society (AAO), and Italian Orthodontic Society (SIDO). She is married and has one child.


Benkli Y.A., Büyük S.K., Uzer, H.B., Oral E., “Evaluation of Craniofacial Morphology and Facial Soft Tissue Thickness of Young Adults Born by Caesarean Section, “XIV. International Turkish Orthodontic Society Symposium, Eskişehir, 2015. (Poster Presentation)
Aslan A., Büyük S.K., Benkli Y.A., Uzer, H.B., "Evaluation of Soft Tissue Thickness on the Lower Face in Orthodontic Patients Performing Mouth Breathing", XIV. International Symposium of Turkish Orthodontic Society, Eskişehir, 2015. (Poster Presentation)
Büyük S.K., Benkli Y.A., Uzer, H.B., "The Investigation Of Rapıd Maxillar Expansion Effects On Mandibular Dental And Alveolar ArchWidths", 47th SIDO International Congress, Florence, 2016. (Poster Presentation)
Büyük S.K., Uzer, H.B., "Orthodontics Treatment Of Hıgh Angle Patient By Using Vertical Holding Appliance And Orthodontics: Follow-Up Study", 22nd Bass Congress, Thessaloniki, 2017. (Poster Presentation)


Buyuk, S.K., Benkli, Y.A., UZER, H.B. (2005) Investigation of the effects of rapid upper jaw dilation on mandibular, dental and alveolar widths. Dicle Journal of Dentistry, Vol. 16 (2),193-197.
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